LearnDash Quiz Import/Export Template Guide

LearnDash Quiz Import/Export uses a standard template to import and export all LearnDash questions types. This template should be followed in order to create your own templates for import/export. The standard template can be found in the plugin folder:

LearnDash-quiz-import-export > Documentation > Standard Template

The template contains the standard LearnDash question field names as columns names for most columns. It contains the following columns which would translate to LearnDash quiz questions:

1. Question Type

The column represents the type of LearnDash question. This column can have the following values corresponding to the LearnDash question types.

Single =>Single choice

Multiple=>Multiple choices

Sort_answer=> “Sorting” choice

cloze_answer=> Fill in the blank

free_answer=> “Free” choice

matrix_sort_answer=> “Matrix Sorting” choice

assessment_answer=> Assessment

essay => Essay / Open Answer

2. Category

The column should contain the value for the LearnDash question category field.

3. Title

This represents the question title for a LearnDash quiz question.

4. Total Points

The column represents the total points for each answer. It can be left empty for all question types except the “essay” question type. For all other question types, the total points are calculated from the individual answers. This column is only significant for the essay questions as it is used to assign points to each essay question.

5. Different Points for each answer

It should be set to yes if you need to set different points for each answer and no If you want to set a standard point for all answers.

6. Question Text

This column would fill up the question text area field for the question.

7. Answer Type

In LearnDash there is an option to add media to the answers for some question types. If you want to display your answer with image and text then set the value as html for this column else set the value as text.

Note: If we select the value as html on matrix sorting question, then it will apply on both fields i.e element and criterion.

8. Answer # and Point # Columns

These columns should be set according to the maximum number of answers present in any of the questions for the particular quiz import.

If a quiz contains 13 answers for a particular question inside it, there should be 13 columns in the template:


Answer 1 – Answer 13

Point 1 – Point 13

This column will contain all the answers which are available for a question. If a question has less number of answers than the maximum answer # column then simply leave that column as empty. The point # column associates points with each answer (if different points for each answer is enabled).


1. For a matrix sort answer, the value inside these answer columns should be in this format {criterion}[element].

2. To put an image as an answer, the value inside these answer columns should be in this format [image_url].

9. Answer Column

After the individual answer and points column, there is again a column named Answer. This column serves multiple purposes.

Single choice

→ For a single choice answer, it represents the correct answer from all the choices

Multiple choice

→ For a multiple choice answer, It represents the correct answers from all the choices. The pattern to indicate the correct choice is as follow:

The pipe (|) sign is used to indicate the answer number and if the answer is not correct there is no value between the pipes. For the correct answer, answer# should be entered.

For e.g.

||2||4||6 → This indicates that answer # 2,4 and 6 are correct for this multiple choice question and answer # 1,3 and 5 are not correct.

Free choice

→ For a free choice answer, It represents the single answer for this question type, as there can only be one answer for this question type. The answers can, however, be separated through line break. To add multiple answers for a free choice using this column, you need to add line breaks in the cell for this column.

For e.g.




(To add a line break in excel file use ALT + Enter to selected column cell)


→ For an assessment answer, It represents the values for the single answer for this question type. The answer should be in this format {[ans1][ans2][ans3]}

Fill In the Blank

→ For a close (fill in the blanks) answer, It represents the values for the single answer for this question type. The answer should be in this format:

This is a sample {cloze|5} question and It represents a sample cloze {type} question. Note that the blank answer should be enclosed in {} and to enable separate points for each blank answer, the point has to be added after the pipe (|). If there is no separate point for each blank then there is no need to add the pipe (|) symbol.


→ For an essay answer, It represents the answer submit method and the grading criteria. The following combination of values can be added to set the above values for this answer type.

Text submit, not graded and full points

awarded (text | not-graded-full)

Text submit, graded and full points

awarded (text | graded-full)

Text submit, not graded and no points

awarded (text | not-graded-none)

Upload submit, not graded and full points

awarded (upload | not-graded-full)

Upload submit, graded and full points

awarded (upload | graded-full)

Upload submit, not graded and no points

awarded upload | not-graded-none

10. Total Answer

This corresponds to the total number of answer columns in the sheet. Set this column value according to the maximum number of answers present in the sheet.


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