Tutoring English
Tutoring English overseas or locally is a great way to earn supplemental or full-time income. Learn how you can tutor English with confidence!
Supplement your income or learn how to specialize in smaller classes.
Course Overview:
Teaching vs. Tutoring
The difference between teaching and tutoring is the individualized attention given to students during tutorials. Tutoring is therefore teaching with the added ‘bonus’ of having the teacher’s undivided attention. You will take on several roles, including that of a ‘facilitator,’ always in search of ways to get students interacting, learning, and ultimately acquiring the language.
Students with a specific goal will often hire a tutor to help them attain it. Tutoring sessions may consist of one individual, small groups of two to five, or even entire families.
Course Content:
Tutoring English is divided into two parts. The first section deals with assessing and analyzing your students’ English abilities and understanding their individual needs.
The second section shows you how to take a lesson plan designed for a classroom and adapt it to a one-on-one situation. Tutoring individual students requires that teachers be very creative in order to foster student talk time.
Course Requirements:
- Four needs assessment tasks
- Seven individual needs assignments
- Four lesson plans dealing with individual needs
- One course development assignment
- Final assessment guide
Tutors working overseas must be aware of cultural conduct both during teaching sessions and outside of them. For example, in many countries teachers represent authority and students simply do not participate in class discussions. As a tutor of ESL, where communication is crucial, you must become aware of such realities and begin to find ways to create an environment that will slowly encourage participation during class time. Some students need to feel more ‘safe’ before they will contribute. The more you know about your students and their world, the better equipped you will be to facilitate their learning process.
Understanding your students’ first language is not of primary importance when tutoring since instruction is given in English. Learning about their culture and language, however, is highly beneficial and will help make your transition to living in a new country easier and more enjoyable. Students who take pride in their country demonstrate and appreciate it when a foreign teacher or tutor takes a genuine interest in their world. Take advantage of the cultural lessons you are going to experience, whether they are language lessons or social conduct ‘tips.’